Friday, September 27, 2019

Back to Blogging

Not exactly sure why I stopped blogging back in January, but as I went to complete my annual report, I realized how nice to have documentation of what I worked on over the year.

Let's see, highlights for this week included doing a better job with my time management skills thanks to LinkedIn Learning, fishing up the 14th year of my GamePlan program with freshman student-athletes at Willamette, and I had to write up four strategic initiative reports for the Alliance systems team.

My main focus this last week has been to wrangle in our LibGuides a bit, its a great product for librarians to use, but it requires care and maintenance like any web page. The biggest challenge this week was updating the over 500 links to our previous catalog which we replaced in 2013. So yeah, we need to do a better job of housekeeping on the site.